The ten best things about being a JW:
being a jw is amazing!
who agrees with me??.
the jw is a protection from the world.
The ten best things about being a JW:
hi everyone, i was discussing with a family member recently and was encouraged to at least consider the benefits of being raised in the truth.
for example,i'm not a drunk, don't do drugs, respect others etc.
the point is i've found lots of nonwitness friends who have similar behavior.. growing up, when a worldly person does something good like help someone i'll hear things like "that's nice of him, for a nonwitness.
"it comes as a surprise when you see how roughly and frumpily dressed local witnesses are"
Good point, Steve2.
The scruffiest individual I ever knew was always"properly" turned out in white shirt, sports coat and tie:
- BUT......... what is that expression you have in New Zealand?
- something about having looked like they had just "been dragged backwards through a gorse hedge"
hi everyone, i was discussing with a family member recently and was encouraged to at least consider the benefits of being raised in the truth.
for example,i'm not a drunk, don't do drugs, respect others etc.
the point is i've found lots of nonwitness friends who have similar behavior.. growing up, when a worldly person does something good like help someone i'll hear things like "that's nice of him, for a nonwitness.
One of the realizations I had after breaking with the JWs was just how many excellent people I knew, before the Watchtower Madness took hold.
In many cases, these were better people than many of the JWs I encountered. This should not have been any great surprize, given that the JW's sole measure of a person's worth is that column on the monthly Field Service Report entitled "Hours".
There are indeed good people amongst the Witnesses - but they certainly DO NOT have the monopoly on these, like they think they do.
does anyone remember when the arrangement changed from having 1 congregation servant to the body of elders arrangement.. i have been out of the religion for so long i am getting a little rusty on the changes that happened.
i am writing down my memoirs and right now i am recounting my teenage years as the daughter of a congregation servant.
there was a big change in our family life when i was 15 because of the change in the arrangement.
2 factions dominated by 2 matriarchs
Somehow, that comes as no surprise (not sure how, of course - maybe somthing to do with kings and king makers!)
does anyone remember when the arrangement changed from having 1 congregation servant to the body of elders arrangement.. i have been out of the religion for so long i am getting a little rusty on the changes that happened.
i am writing down my memoirs and right now i am recounting my teenage years as the daughter of a congregation servant.
there was a big change in our family life when i was 15 because of the change in the arrangement.
The "elder" arrangement was instituted with the beginning of the "1973 Service Year", which actually began on 1 September, 1972.
At least some old Congregation Servants were not happy about the prospect of power sharing. I recall in one of the congregations in Ipswich (Queensland, Australia) where the former Congregation Servant only recommended himself:
- then went on year in, year out without ever recommending anybody else.
He got away with that for nearly four years.
click here: pit bull mauls 2 jehovah's witnesses - "it was biting her head, calves, stomach" - youtube what a horrifying thing to happen to these two women.
Your barbs about "concealed dogs" are noted!
However, I was talking only about home invasions, in which case I would have thought an openly displayed weapon would be a more effective deterrent.
I know personally two people who have been shot as a result of criminal activity, and both were carrying a concealed firearm ( a Glock 9mm automatic):
- which both of them knew how to use, being regular competitors at the local pistol shooting club.
All that, though, still did not render them bullet proof!
Conversely, although living for many years in what was a veritable cesspit of violent crime, I never had any home invasion issues while I had a pair of guard dogs loose in the yard.
I sometimes think the Australian country singer John Williamson may have had a point in a verse in one of his songs, that "the way to get shot is to carry a gun."
My five cents worth, anyway!
(Incidentally, I am not anti firearms. On the farm, I grew up around things and still have three rifles in my possession - small bore shooting being one of my hobbies. From my experiences, though, I am also well aware of their limitations).
click here: pit bull mauls 2 jehovah's witnesses - "it was biting her head, calves, stomach" - youtube what a horrifying thing to happen to these two women.
Having grown up around farms, I was never afraid of dogs:
- UNTIL ....... an event occurred, not while engaged in the D2D work, but while working as a delivery driver.
The client was what today would be called a "Convenience Store", and unbeknown to me, kept a man-eating dog on the premises.
Suffice to say, 38 years later, I still have the scars!
PS: Having later worked for a time in the security industry, then later again lived in a crime-ridden Third World Country, I am a great fan of keeping a guard dog. Generally recognised as the single most effective measure that you can take to deter intruders.
my nephew is a graduate of an alabama university and harvard.. he didn't listen to the warnings about seeking higher education, and has a good job.. the elder sunk himself trying to keep his son, who did not apply himself in school, out of prison.. it's a sad situation, but it shows how foolish the wt's directives can be.. sylvia.
Being a typical deluded, brain-washed JW, this elder probably rationalises what is going under by kidding himself that "Jehovah provides" and that"God works in mysterious ways."
king of the north.
union, the "king of the south" can be none other than the rival non-communist bloc, under the .
so who is the king of the north now?
But then why should we care about the reasoning of the Watchtower books?
Never a truer word spoken!
king of the north.
union, the "king of the south" can be none other than the rival non-communist bloc, under the .
so who is the king of the north now?
In 1981 the story remained the same: Watchtower July 15 Pages 5-7
The Power Struggle-What Outcome?
There can be no doubt that the modern-day "king of the north" is the Communist bloc, headed by
the Soviet Union.
There, to start with is a fallacious statement uttered by Crazy Fred.
The "Communist block" was NOT "headed by the Soviet Union":
- Yugoslav communism always was entirely independent of the Soviet Union.
- The Chinese communists received little help from the Soviet Union during their struggle against the Chinese Nationalists. Mao definitely did not take orders from Stalin at any time, and by the early 1960s, had completely fallen out with the USSR (with Chinese and Soviet troops even exchanging fire across their common border in 1969).
- Likewise, the communists in Vietnam very much did their own thing, with little regard to taking any orders from either China or the USSR . They accepted whatever aid (in the form of supplies) that the other communist countries would give them, but that was all. Henry Kissinger, also, suffered from Fred Franz's delusions about Soviet "leadership" - thinking that by making friends with China and the USSR ("detente"), he could get these powers to influence North Vietnam into making a favorable peace deal with the USA.
If Mad Freddie Franz got off to a fallacious start with this fairy tale about the Kings of the North and South, no wonder the rest of it proved to be a crock!